Wes(per) !!

23 (april 1)・aroace・any pronouns

hi! i'm wes— software engineer by day, supreme lord of cringe and brainrot by night. i'm unreasonably educated on vampire mythology and i like to draw/write about critters of all sortsje parle assez bien français, lì’fyari leNa’vi oel tok kxamyìt

"Shorty chose to be with a demon, sounds like her problem to me, ha ha. This shit ain't nothin' to me, man." —Count Dracula, 1463

you probably ought to know...

  • i don't waste my time with pointless discourse

  • i occasionally mute/block to curate my online experience. blocks are never personal unless you intentionally pissed me off

  • i'm joking around and not taking things seriously probably 80% of the time

  • i'm a bit of a slow artist and a serial lurker lol

  • don't be scared to approach me, i'm just a chill guytm and i love to make new friends


things i enjoy a perfectly normal amount

James Cameron's Avatar (my all-time favorite thing), Castlevania (but not the Netflix series), Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Crash bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Inside Out, Game of Thrones, Total Drama, beetlejuice (film, musical and cartoon)

my beloveds...